Julie and Greg

"Yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength: they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary."
Isaiah 40:31

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Very nice Thursday

I feel good but pretty tired today. I remember the doctor saying that chemo is a cumulative thing and that I could expect to feel more tired as the treatments continue. He was right! But this morning I wrote some lesson plan ideas for my sub at Hayden Meadows. She's doing a wonderful job, but she really likes having my input. And this afternoon I got to go to Hannah's school to an assembly where she was receiving an "integrity award". It was so great to be there because she was so surprised to see her Mom and Dad, her Grandma Kathy, and me!

It's very quiet at my house because Greg went to Oregon very very early this morning and he'll return tomorrow afternoon. I plan to write lots of thank you notes this evening. I'll be able to use those very cool cards that Ellen made!

Happy Halloween and thank you for your prayers! Love, Julie

1 comment:

Joy said...

How fun... I am glad that you are feeling well enough to want to do some lesson plans and to want to write some thank you notes. I hope that you had a wonderful weekend. What did the grand-kids dress up as? Paul and I just got together on Halloween with my mom and dad and had some chili... we were all disappointed because we only had 10 trick-or-treaters. Oh, well. Love you Julie and praying for you!!