Julie and Greg

"Yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength: they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary."
Isaiah 40:31

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Hurray for the arrival of eyelashes and eyebrows! They are still very small...but it looks like they're trying very hard to grow back in! (It's great to celebrate the really important things in life!)

It's another beautiful day and I'm planning to take my naughty puppy for a walk in a little while. Boris loves walking and I know it's good for me to get outside and move a little too.

I am blessed to feel so good! Thank you for your prayers. Love, Julie


Ruth Smith said...

Hi Julie and Greg,
Just wanted to let you know we have been enjoying reading your blogspot, looking at your pictures and listening to the music ever since we were passing out Political flyers for the Presidential Elections Nov. 4th for Ruth's precinct and when we stopped at your home Greg gave us your blogspot address. Julie you were gone I believe to Sandpoint for a night out with the girls and Greg was home sick with the flu or something. We have been praying for you ever since when Greg was out walking we stopped at Bev Chambers to say hello. Our son Sid and his wife Stacy Chambers are expecting a son February 7th. Emily's daughter sure is growing. Time passes so quickly. I was talking on the phone to Vernice Hedman and I gave her your blog spot address because she was wondering how you all are doing. We'll keep praying for you, God bless you and tell the family hello for us.
Ruth and Randy

Anonymous said...

I think Boris is naughtier than Buddy was. Good to hear you are growing your eyebrows and hair back. Keep up the good fight musical aunt Julie.