Julie and Greg

"Yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength: they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary."
Isaiah 40:31

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The fight continues...

Today was a two-cup coffee day! I'm so grateful for the days when I feel so good!

I went to church this weekend! It was so great to go Friday night with Jake and the Russells.

We're empty nesters again. This morning I went to Freddies with Jake and we got the rest of the essentials he'll need for his apartment in Cheney. He officially left home to live in his apartment this afternoon. This Wednesday he'll start classes at EWU and he'll have his audition for the Spokane Symphony. He was already hired to play for the concert next weekend so he'll start rehearsing with them Tuesday. A big week for him.

And a big week for me! I will have two weeks of radiation treatments on my thyroid and my first treatment is tomorrow afternoon.

I am so excited that Betsy plans to come to visit next week with Sebastian and Julian. She is such a sweetie and I enjoy the boys so much. She told me that last Monday Sebastian was on his way to a time out and he said "There's no time out in this house! There's just walls, and doors, and rooms!" My grandchildren are so clever.

Thank you for praying for me. I sure appreciate your encouragement and support. Love, Julie

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck tomorrow! I'll be praying! I got my German Shepherd puppy back from her spaying at the vet "hospital" today, and she was at first so happy to see me, and then she remembered that she was mad at me for leaving her there, so then she just went limp and looked sad all the way home so I'd feel guilty. I think she's too smart... My chickens are 20 weeks old and haven't started laying yet -- isn't that old enough for eggs? I went into the chicken house and fluffed up the hay in their nest boxes. I put in real hay that had fallen out of the horses' feed area and gotten a little dirty. It has grass seeds in it that I thought they'd like. Those slackers! Just thought I'd throw in a little news from the North Fork Ranch -- things are pretty exciting around here!
Cindy L.