Julie and Greg

"Yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength: they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary."
Isaiah 40:31

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Saturday update

Hello everyone!
I was so happy to visit Hayden Meadows Friday morning and to see that my Music Room is completely set up and decorated! I was planning to work on it myself and my friends, Barb and Jean, were going to help me. But my friends finished the whole thing without me. I spent most of that day sleeping. I think it was a combination of feeling worn out from the wonderful wedding weekend and chemo on Tuesday. Second cycle of chemo! Hooray!

Jake will not be subbing for me afterall. The timing just isn't going to work out for him. It looks like the recording he's been working on with Matt is finally coming together and this fall will probably be very exciting for them. He left for Nashville Friday and I miss having him around. I was bummed at first that he won't be teaching for me, but I'm so happy for him! The school district has already hired a long-term sub for me so everything is working out just fine.

I had an ultra-sound on Thursday to check the progress of dissolving those nasty blood clots in my legs. It takes a long time for them to completely dissolve and I guess the stupid things are still there. Stupid blood clots.

I'm excited that Liz and Emma and Evan are coming to visit tomorrow afternoon!

Happy Labor Day Weekend! Love, Julie

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

About the wedding...

Betsy Johnson is now Betsy Arneson! She and Cameron were married Sunday, August 24 at Normandy Park in Seattle. It was a lovely sunny morning...a perfect day for an outdoor wedding. But suddenly, right before the service was to begin, you guessed it, it started raining! So the beautifully decorated archway was moved from the pretty landscaped area, to a big covered deck. By the time the wedding actually took place, both Sebastian and Julian were sound asleep on Greg and my laps. They were very well-behaved at their parent's wedding. Jake played the guitar and Emily was the matron of honor. Hannah was a junior bridesmaid and Adam was the ring-bearer. The decorations were beautiful. We had enough food for the whole Normanday neighborhood. Many many thanks to Kathy for all her help with many things and to Carolyn and Maddie for taking over the kitchen with help from Liz. Mom was the photographer and she did an awesome job. Thanks, everyone for your prayers for us this weekend.

It was so great to have a break from chemo. I almost forgot I had cancer because I felt so good and had so much energy for the wedding weekend. But I started my second cycle of chemo this morning. Back to reality.

Today is Greg's birthday so we ate take-out from Olive Garden with the Russells. Janice and Mary and Janice's friend are here for the night. They will take Mary to George Fox University tomorrow. My little niece, Mary, is in college!

We are so grateful for your prayers and it is so fun to hear from so many of you that I haven't seen in such a long time! Love, Julie

Julian, Sebastian and their Grandparents

there was a wedding!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Off to the wedding!

We are so excited about Betsy and Cameron's wedding in Seattle this weekend! It will be a fun and relaxed celebration with lots of family and friends. It will take place in a beautiful private park right on Puget Sound. It's amazing that Betsy and Cam have been together since they were sixteen! Cameron has seemed like a member of our family for a long time.

I'm so thankful that I feel so healthy at this special time! I'm grateful for my sister in law, Kathy, because she is coming to help me take care of details that come up. There's always something...

Thank you for your prayers. I appreciate all of you so much! Love, Julie

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Doctors visit

Julie had an appointment today to see her doctor to get an update on her progress. Julie happily reported to him that she has been breathing well and feeling healthy with the break from chemo. He told us that "clinically speaking" everything indicates that the chemo is working, because the tumor is no longer obstructing her air passageway and he couldn't feel a lump in her liver anymore. So, we are cautiously optimistic. We will know more definitively what is happening when they perform another pet scan after the next round of chemo. They will also know how well the treatment is helping her body absorb the blood clots in her legs and lung.

The prayers of so many have kept Julie upbeat, positive and thankful to the Lord. Now she can concentrate on being the mom of the bride-to-be this weekend and she'll be stylin with her new dress and accessories. (But I just don't get why she needed 4 new pairs of shoes)

Thank you very much for your love, support and encouragement. There really is the power of life in words. Love, Greg

Monday, August 18, 2008

Teaching Plans

Today Greg helped me pack up my Fernan music room and now I have all the stuff I've collected over the years; books, costumes, decorations, stage lights, CDs and videos, instruments, and tons of other stuff in our basement. I taught at Fernan eight years and I feel so connected to the staff and the families. But I will be the music teacher at Hayden Meadows this coming year and I'm excited to get connected to another great staff and to be a part of the lives of hundreds of new children and their families. It will be an interesting year for me and for my new school because I don't plan to officially start teaching until January. I am thrilled that Jake has decided to move back to CDA until after Christmas so he will be able to me my sub most of the time. How cool is that? I know the kids will love Jake and I will help him plan all the lessons.

I'm a little sad to miss out on the first months of the school year, especially since I'm changing to a new school. But Greg and I decided that my first priority should be to get well! Teaching elementary music takes a lot of energy and is challenging even when you're 100% healthy! I hope to spend some time every week at the school and to be involved as much as possible.

Thank you for your love, prayers, and your comments! Hi David Camp! So great to hear from you!
Love, Julie

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Social Butterflies

Yes, today we were social butterflies! A friend of Greg's, Bill Essary, wanted Greg and I to enjoy going out to a nice dinner. He took care of all the arrangements and the check, and we had a very nice and delicious lunch at Beverly's. Thank you, Bill! Tonight we split a salad at Azteca with some friends.

I'm breathing very easily these days. Haven't used the nebulizer once today! Thank you, Lord!

"But we have this treasure in jars of clay to
show that this all-surpassing
power is from
God and not from us." II Cor. 4:7

Thank you for your continued prayers. Love, Julie

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Thank you for sharing...

Thank you so much, Amanda and Maddie, for sharing your Mom with me! You have no idea how special it was to have my sister here for a few days! I know you missed her and now you have her back. So be extra nice to her! Thank you Rob, Lauren, and Zach too.

I loved spending time with my sister, Carolyn. She's so fun to hang out with. She energizes everyone. And she sure did help me get ready to be a classy mother of the bride for Betsy's wedding. (I always gravitate to the clunky man type shoes, but Carolyn steered me to the pretty "What not to wear" type shoes.) Jake and I took her to the airport this morning and now she's home in Billings. The house seems so quiet without her.

I have wonderful news...my blood test showed that I don't have to give myself fragmin shots anymore. My poor tummy was getting so full of little bruises from the dumb shots. Fragmin is a blood thinner that the doctor prescribed to dissolve the blood clots. Now I graduated to just taking coumadin pills. No more shots. Hurray.

I love reading your comments. It's been so great to hear from people I haven't talked to in a long time like my cousin, Debbie. (Debbie, I so appreciate your kind words.) And Jerry, you inspired me to maybe try writing some music. I haven't done that in years!

Thank you for your love and prayers. Love, Julie

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I did have a great day, Liz!

We shopped till we dropped! Carolyn was helping me search for just the right shrug to wear with the cool dress we found for me to wear as mother of the bride at Betsy's wedding. That sentence seems like it should end with "the house that Jack built". Tomorrow we'll search for just the right shoes and jewelry. And I have an appointment to have my wig sized. It's too big and a little too poofy on the sides. This is very important information to share on a blog.

Happy Tuesday. Love, Julie

Thoughts about '68 reunion

Here are my thoughts about our class of ’68 reunion. (From Greg)

On the drive back to Coeur d’Alene from our 40th class reunion I got all reflective and philosophical. I thought about how we have all, for the most part, gone through the same stages of life together: moving through the awkward & weird transition from teenagers into adulthood; through the frantic search to find a spouse (who, in at least in my case, would hang in there with me); through the training & choosing of careers that we have slaved away at; and wearily treaded through the confused state of parenthood. I think that this might be one of the reasons we continue to want to reconnect with one another – to compare notes to see how and the heck we can get through the next stage of life.

As I listen to some of you classmates share your stories, there seemed to be themes that many of us are experiencing at this stage of our lives: the joys of grand parenting; grief over the loss of a loved one; laughter about the goofy things we do; crying over estranged relationships; deep fulfillment of unfailing love; fears and struggles related to health issues; financial securities and insecurities; defining and redefining priorities in life; expressing concerns about our kids; helping our parents transition through to the next stage of their lives; and thinking about what legacy we might leave…

But for the seven-hour trip back home, I wrote down a bunch of questions that I have for this stage of our lives. So, I thought I’d pass them on to you to see if you are asking yourself similar questions and I’d like to know how you might answer any of these questions. So, please write back and let me know.

  1. How do I draw the line between helping our kids and enabling them? Am I encouraging them or am I still trying to give them advice? Do I just spoil my grandkids, or have I earned the right to speak into their lives to help direct them?
  2. Did I or have I done everything I could for my parents? Am I beating myself up with guilt? Or am I shrugging my shoulders and trying to convince myself that what I did was good enough?
  3. What keeps me from actively seeking to reconcile broken relationships? Am I trying to justify my knee jerk reactions by playing the blame game and claiming that “they started it?” Do I understand what fears tend to hold me back?
  4. Do I try and justify rewarding myself with my addictive behaviors for: overcoming some obstacle, being a martyr, achieving some goal, to numb some pain, or to camouflage some reality?
  5. Do I sometimes feel victimized by life circumstances and believe that the world owes me a favor and when nobody pays up, do I feel cheated? Or do I think that I need to pick myself up by my bootstraps and move on? Or do I ask for help?
  6. Am I living my life as if it has design and purpose? Or do I try and make do with whatever I invent as sort of make-it-up-as-I-go philosophy? Or do I embrace or avoid examining God’s standard for living laid out in the Bible?
  7. Do I see my life’s story as part of a bigger story being written or is it all about me? Am I willing to research the claims that the Bible says about God’s story?
  8. Do I intentionally invite others to challenge my views of life or do I feel threatened by other lifestyles?
  9. Do I solicit the support of others when I experience loss or do I tend to isolate myself? Am I there for others when they go through the tough stuff?
  10. Do I continue to view myself as someone who has something valuable to offer others or do I believe that I have paid my dues and want to coast on out of here?
  11. Do I write people off who have hurt me or someone I love, or do I follow the example of those who have the desire and strength to forgive?
  12. Do I ask for accountability for my words and actions or do I do whatever I want to do because I don’t care about what other people think?
  13. Do I continue to want to improve my marriage by reading books, attending seminars, listening to CD’s, mentoring with other couples, or do I just hope that the same-o-same-o somehow works out?
  14. Do I put all my trust for security and peace of mind in my retirement plan, investments and the government system, or do I trust that God has my best interest in mind and offers me a kind of peace that money can’t buy?
  15. How do I want my family and friends to remember me? As I guy who meant well, but didn’t sacrificially invests his whole heart into their lives? Or a dad, son, husband, brother, grandpa, Christian, friend who loved them well and pointed them toward the source of that love – God?

Monday, August 11, 2008

A New Look

I have a buzz cut! It feels so good not to have clumps of hair in my hand everytime I touch my head! And today Jake and Carolyn helped me pick out a cool wig! I tried on a very beautiful long dark wavy wig, but it just wasn't me. I ended up with one that looks very much like my own hair. Amazing.

Hope your Monday was as wonderful as mine! Love, Julie

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Much Better Day

Today was much better! We went to Coeur d' Alene Summer Theatre's production of Les Miserables this afternoon and it was so good and I only coughed one time. The voices were amazing and all of the characters sang with so much emotion. My favorite was Darcy Wright who was Epomine. Everytime she sang I felt like crying because she sang so beautifully.

I'm excited because I have two weeks off of chemo-therapy. My next chemo is August 26, Greg's birthday. That's when I will start my second cycle. But I will enjoy having some time to build up my poor tired cells and get ready to tear them all down again. Chemo is nasty stuff--but it sure is worth it to get well!

Sorry I was such a downer last night. But everyone says they want me to be honest. So I am!

Thank you for your prayers and for writing comments to my blog. You have no idea how encouraging you are to me. Thank you! Love, Julie

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Not feeling so great...

I've been so blessed to not experience extreme side affects from chemo. I have felt so good the last few days. Breathing is great...energy seems to be increasing. But today was the pits. I had a little pitty party for myself...I feel nauseated, exhausted, and my hair is falling out. I feel like I'm shedding.

But Carolyn and Rob and Amanda and Maddie are visiting and they are such a fun bunch. They really lift my spirits. And Jake is here and he's been very thoughtful and helpful. (Greg is in Oregon this weekend.)

Thank goodness, my life is in God's hands! I can't imagine going through this without faith in Christ. "The LORD is great and worthy of our praise; no one can understand how great He is!" Psalm 145:3

Thank you for your prayers. Love, Julie

Friday, August 8, 2008

Thursday, August 7, 2008

August 7 medical update

Today was a very good day. I only needed the nebulizer once and that was this morning! I spent a lot of time at the Cancer Center today. First blood work at 8:40, then a meeting with the oncologist at 9:45ish, followed by 2 1/2 hours of chemotherapy. Everything always takes much longer than is on the schedule so we are getting used to bringing books to read etc. I didn't get home till after 2:30 this afternoon.

We are thrilled that the doctor said "Clinically speaking, you have improved." My lungs were clear and he didn't hear wheezing at all! Next week I will get a chest x-ray and he'll be able to see whether the tumor is shrinking.

I asked him about teaching this fall. I told him the school district wants to know my plans. Dr. Tezcan asked "What are your plans?" He told me he could write the order to put me on disability for the year. But he could tell that I want to teach. He suggested I work out a part-time arrangement and have a really good sub who could step in if I was having a bad day.
So my friend, Lana, is going to come tomorrow and help me come up with some ideas. Very exciting.

They told me I'm doing excellent with the chemo. But...news flash...my hair is starting to fall out. So hopefully Carolyn will go wig-shopping with me when she comes. I don't want to be bald at Betsy's wedding.

Thank you for your prayers! Love, Julie

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Prayers from Africa!

Dear Julie,
Receive our greetings in Jesus. The Lord is so wonderful and you cannot
imagine what blessing your parents are for my family since the very day we
met in Burkina. They have contributed to make me what I am today. So, I am
grateful to the Lord whenever dealing with what concerns Ron and Gloria.
With my family and our small community, we are confident that God is at work
in your body. People of my tribe say that"a sickness comes one day, but it
takes time to leave the body." In Jesus' name we know it is already defeated
in your body and is leaving. So, stand firm.
May God bless you and your family.

I received this email from a dear friend of my parents' in Burkina Faso. I wanted to share it with all of you.
It's so amazing to know Christians in Africa are praying for me and my family. Love, Julie

Monday, August 4, 2008

Feeding chickens in the dark

My brother called me and we chatted while he was feeding his chickens in the dark. He certainly is a talented person. And I bet his chickens like him.

Today was a good day! I got blood work done on the 2nd floor because they can draw my blood from my cool Port. I felt so cool walking by the regular lab where all these people were waiting to have their blood drawn from veins in their poor little arms. I'm so beyond that!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." Proverbs 17:22

Thank you for your love and prayers. Love, Julie

Sunday, August 3, 2008


I can't even take care of myself, but I'm having to step up and be there for Julie. It's kind of on-the-job training. I've had my head in the sand for a long time and have known next to nothing about cancer. But we have been meeting a great bunch of folks, both medical staff and patients, who are sharing openly from their hearts and experience the hard realities of this creepy disease and the surprising upsides of this journey. Sometimes we get sensory overload with books, questions, pamphlets, Internet, suggestions, e-mails, text messages, phone calls & visits. But it's all good. Julie says that visiting with friends and family just pump her up.

I copped an attitude last week (because I think cancer sucks) and I was pouting around the guys I work with. They were patient enough to let me blow off some steam and bawl my eyes out. I use to think when David wrote the Psalms that he was a bit of a whiner. But now when I read those passages I see them through a new set of eyeballs.

I'm reading a book called "What Cancer Cannot Do." Cancer is so limited...It cannot cripple love, shatter hope, corrode faith, kill friendship, suppress memories, silence courage, invade the soul, steal eternal life or conquer the spirit.

Thanks for praying! God is answering.

Beautiful Sunday

Okay, so the past two days have not been good days for breathing. It takes me awhile to get going in the morning. But I think today is a little better than yesterday. I even went grocery shopping by myself and it was so great to do something normal! (I love to shop for groceries.) And this afternoon Greg and I went for a drive by the lake and it is just a beautiful day! We missed Art on the Green this year so we can at least say we saw it from our car windows. And to end our perfect date we got blizzards at Dairy Queen. Nothing beats a Heath Blizzard.
It is so humbling to think about how many people are praying for me and for my family. Thank you so much. And I love reading the comments you are sending! Love, Julie

Friday, August 1, 2008

First day of August!

This is the time of the summer when I start to get geared up for the beginning of school. I love shopping for school supplies and planning how I will decorate my classroom. I'm a little sad because I don't know when I'll be able to teach. We'll talk to the doctor about all that on Thursday. But I'm trying to remember to take one day at a time and to appreciate every day. And not to think much ahead.
But today was another good day for breathing! I think that dumb old tumor is shrinking...I sure feel like I can get more air now.
Janice and Abbie left this morning and I felt sad to see them drive away. They were such a blessing to us! Abbie set up this blog and gave me so many thoughtful gifts. And Janice was such an encouragement to both Greg and myself. And she cleaned my freezer. Only a loving sister could do a yucky job like that.
Thanks, everyone, for your love and prayers.
"But He knows the way that I take; when He has tested me, I will come forth as gold."
Job 23:10

Love, Julie