Julie and Greg

"Yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength: they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary."
Isaiah 40:31

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The day after chemo...

I had chemo yesterday and everything went smoothly. Last week wasn't so great at the Cancer Center. My nurse was crabby, I was cold and thirsty, and I didn't get a good chair. But yesterday I had that same nurse and she was just awesome! She was so sweet and kind to me. I'm glad I didn't blow up at her last week because it wouldn't have been good advertising for God. (She saw that I was working on my Bible Study on prayer.) Whew!

What continues to be a little crazy, in my experience, at the Cancer Center is the whole aspect of scheduling. It's such a complicated process and the doctor's secretaries and the chemo department have to coordinate. Anyway...my cat scan date is now Nov. 11 and I will see my oncologist Nov. 13. So Nov. 13 is when I'll find out what happens next. But I now know they are pretty sure I'll need more chemo because I'm already on the schedule for Nov. 17. So I'm trying not to be discouraged. For some reason, I thought this would be my last cycle of chemo. I have to remember that God is in control!

I had a wonderful surprise today! Jerry sent me two CDs of his original music and Ellen sent me a huge box of cards that she made! I'm excited to listen to the music and to use the cards.

Please know how thankful we are for your prayers. I feel so blessed! Love, Julie


Anonymous said...

Oh, I love you, Mom! You're the best advertisement for what a Christian should be, and I'm glad that crabby nurse not only got to witness that but changed her attitude this week.
I can't wait to hear Jerry's music!! How exciting!
We love you, Betsy and the boys

Anonymous said...

Hello my dear sweet sister!! I have been thinking of you and praying for you...it's cool how God checks our spirit during trying times...then we find out later what impact it has! I am so thankful that you are sharing how you are really doing! i know better how to pray for you!I am still working on coming to seeyou!! I haven't forgotten! I love you! Love,Janice

Connie said...

Big Hugs Julie!!! My prayers are with you.

Connie Rovik