Julie and Greg

"Yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength: they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary."
Isaiah 40:31

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Enjoying the season...

Greg and I went with the Russells to Green Bluff today and Emily and the kids had an adventure in a corn maze, the kids got to go on a little train ride, and we picked out pumpkins in a real pumpkin patch. We ate popcorn and caramel apples and drank hot apple cider. It was a great day. But it sure was chilly outside! The sky was blue and the sun was shining...but we nearly froze in the chilly wind! All part of the adventure...To quote Hannah "This is going to be a memorable weekend."

I'm feeling like wearing a paper bag over my head! My poor skin is not enjoying this new chemo drug. I guess I shouldn't be so vain or I should just avoid mirrors.

I'm hoping to visit Betsy and Cam and Sebastian and Julian next week. I am so excited! Julian has changed so much just since the wedding! He walks and points and does all kinds of cool things. And Sebastian sang a little song on the phone for me last night. What a smart and talented little guy!

Hope you're enjoying your weekend! And thanks for your prayers. Love, Julie


Emily said...

Mom, the day was great and I'm so glad that you felt up to coming today! Thanks for a fun day. I love you guys!

Love, Emily

Anonymous said...

Dear Julie, So sorry to hear of the rash on your face, but I am thankful forthe drug to takecare of cancer cells. It sounds like a fun day youhad today with the Emily and kids. Would have been fun to be along. I love you very much and pray for you. Dad

Anonymous said...

Dear Julia-
So glad to hear that you're tolerating the treatments and you have such positive signs that they're working (even if the "positive" signs aren't too positive :). I just wanted you to know that I was thinking about you and praying for you.
Love, Cindy Lingel

Anonymous said...

Well Julie...Here in Montana we had 2 feet of snow!!! The pumpkin patch sounds way more fun!!! I was shoveling snow and thinking, " This is awesome snowman, snowball and snowfort snow...kids would love it!!" It was very heavy!!! So I am SO glad you were enjoying the fall! What a great memory!! Love you!! janice