Julie and Greg

"Yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength: they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary."
Isaiah 40:31

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The adventure continues...

I feel so good today! I drove to Safeway and picked up my prescriptions all by myself this morning! It was great to feel so independent.

Hannah and Adam spent the night Saturday night and they were such a delight to have! They are so self-sufficient that I didn't have to take care of them at all. I did the spinner and they played Twister and we just had a fun relaxing time together.

That afternoon Emily took me to one of my favorite places, Costco! And I didn't run over or even bump anyone with the little scooter! I wanted to enjoy feeling good because I knew I would be starting another cycle of chemo on Monday.

And that was yesterday. I felt like a really high-maintenance patient yesterday. We arrived at the Cancer Center at 9:30 and I had my blood draw. All the levels were okay so I could do chemo. We had a doctor's appointment. He didn't tell us anything new. My chemo was six hours. Dr. Tezcan knows that I am wanting to really fight so he's not holding back with giving me the tough chemo drugs. They tested my heparin level in the afternoon and it was too high so they measured a couple of syringes for me to give myself at home. This time 12 hours apart. And they'll test it again Wednesday morning. I was scheduled for radiation at 2:12 but I had tons of chemo to go...so finally the nurse from radiation came to get me, I-V and all. So I was doing chemo and radiation at the same time. That was different. Greg and I finally got home at about 6:20 p.m. It's so weird to think I was just sitting there all day long, yet I was exhausted when we got home.

Mom and Dad arrived at about 1:00 p.m. So great to see them. They took me to my appointments this afternoon and they got to meet Dr. Davenport, my radiation doctor. Tonight Mom fixed a delicious meal for us. I'm always amazed at her ability to look in my fridge and create something wonderful when Greg and I would probably say "We don't have anything to eat."

I am so humbled by the love and support we have felt. Thank you so very much for your words of encouragement and your prayers. Love, Julie


Joy said...

Oh, I am so glad that grandma and grandpa are there. They always make things seem so normal and of course there is always the good food.Keep fighting Julie!! We love you and are continuing to pray. You are amazing!!

Emily said...

Hi,Grandma! How are you? I am doing okay but, I threw up this morning. Oh,bummer! I hope you are feeling good. Love you! LOVE:HANNAH

Anonymous said...

Wow, you had a big day on Monday! I hope you have a great week with mom and dad. Love you Julie....Liz

Anonymous said...

Julie...how awesome that Mom and Dad are there! I was so glad the doc gave the ok for Dad to go! What sweet medicine they are! To be surrounded with such deep love and tender care...it is SO good:) I love you and you are always in my thoughts and prayers...Love, Janice