Julie and Greg

"Yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength: they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary."
Isaiah 40:31

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Weird Day

Julie started the day off going through the normal routine of blood work and another treatment of chemo, but there was a change of plans. Because her blood platelets were low again, she couldn't go through with the chemo. Also, she'd been pretty sick for the past few days and she required IV's to get hydrated. That really seemed to perk her up and she was her usually upbeat self again. Her leg had been pretty sore too so she had an ultra-sound done and found another hefty looking blood clot on the move. Her doc wanted to act on it right away so he sent her to have an "umbrella" put in the middle of her torso. It is a spider-looking metal-thingy designed to catch any pesky clots. They will also put a "catheter" screen-type dealie in her groin area also made to snag clots. She'll also receive a medication drip to reduce the soreness created by the clots so she'll have to stay in the oncology unit through the rest of the week. Then she'll be ready to begin radiation on Monday.

I know this all sounds like a drag, but Julie is so encouraged at the prospects of regaining a healthier quality of life if all these proceedures work.

Julie's sister, Liz (the nurse), is taking time off from work and away from her kids again to come and hang out with Julie. Julie has been so moved by the level of support that she is receiving from both family & friends.

I pray the Lord blesses your socks off for all the love and prayers you have offered Julie & I.
Thank You!
Love, Greg

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Julie-
I can see why they say people are "battling" cancer. What a fight it is! My prayers will be with you as you fight the clots. My dad visited with your folks last week, and your mom fixed him liver and onions. He was so excited, and said it tasted just like my mom's cooking. I hope our families can get together sometime -- maybe a long drive in a white station wagon and a red Galaxy 500?