Julie and Greg

"Yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength: they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary."
Isaiah 40:31

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Back home in Coeur d' Alene

Oh brother! Sorry I kept hitting the wrong key as I tried to get started on this blog. I wish Abbie was here to show me how to delete things like that!

My goodness! We got home at 9:45 or so last night from our dream vacation at the Oregon Coast. It's great to be home but I'm sad that it's over. I'm sorry that Jerry and my Billings sisters didn't get to come because our planning was so last minute. But I got to see my other four siblings and Mom and Dad too.

Thank you, Dad! Mom and Dad have hardly been apart, even for a night, in their almost 59 years of marriage. But Dad went home with Robert and Easton on Thursday and Mom got to stay and go home with Darrel and Kathy on Saturday. It was so great to have Mom there to make sure I was eating and resting and taking care of myself. She really spoiled me. I guess we never stop being our Mom and Dad's children, do we? It was hard to say goodbye yesterday.

A real surprise and one of the best highlights of the week was that four of my cousins came to visit on Friday. Lauri had called and said she was coming, but it was so amazing to get to visit with all three of her sisters too! I have had a special bond with them my whole life because our mothers were twins and we shared so much of our childhood. They feel more like sisters to me than cousins. There is a picture of all four of them with my brother Darrel, sister Liz and me.

I am so thankful for the past week. We stayed in a beautiful home, God gave us lots of sunny weather, and we shared so many wonderful times with loved ones.

Tomorrow I will meet with Dr. T's assistant, Susan, who I really feel comfortable with and like, and she might be able to assess whether last week's chemo is having an effect. I am praying that the chemo is winning against the creepy cancer cells yet having confidence that God is in control.
Thank you so much for your prayers. I have never been depressed, I've never felt consumed by cancer--I know these are answers to your prayers and I'm so grateful. Love, Julie

1 comment:

Joy said...

Hey Julie! I took off the extra postings for you. When we see you in July I can show you how to delete them. You have done such a great job with the blog!! can you believe how far you've come since last year??

I have put a place for people to email you. You will find it in the upper left hand corner of the blog. So I hope that people will take advantage of it and drop you an email.

I just put Zoë down for a nap and I have quite a bit of house work to do. I just want you to know that I love you and I am praying for you and Greg. :-)