Julie and Greg

"Yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength: they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary."
Isaiah 40:31

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Prayers from Africa!

Dear Julie,
Receive our greetings in Jesus. The Lord is so wonderful and you cannot
imagine what blessing your parents are for my family since the very day we
met in Burkina. They have contributed to make me what I am today. So, I am
grateful to the Lord whenever dealing with what concerns Ron and Gloria.
With my family and our small community, we are confident that God is at work
in your body. People of my tribe say that"a sickness comes one day, but it
takes time to leave the body." In Jesus' name we know it is already defeated
in your body and is leaving. So, stand firm.
May God bless you and your family.

I received this email from a dear friend of my parents' in Burkina Faso. I wanted to share it with all of you.
It's so amazing to know Christians in Africa are praying for me and my family. Love, Julie


Anonymous said...

Wow, like Deb said, this is the neatest thing! We should of done it years ago, then it wouldn't be 30+ years since we've been able to communicate or see eachother. Thankfully it hasn't been that long for me, but much longer than it should be! Aaron & I were just chatting last month about a trip to the West Coast to "see everybody." One of the first cousins he mentioned was Jake. I wonder what they did while they were out that day? HA! We all have such wonderful memories of our trips to see the "cousins", and can't wait to create some more. My thoughts and prayers are with you Julie and the entire family. I'm wondering if it's your dad's job now to set up the next Camp reunion? OR maybe your mom will work on the Roth side...either way we'll get to see you!
Love to ALL of you.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful letter. I know I told you that it was just so amazing to visualize what seems to be the whole world praying for you! I love you so much, Mom.