Julie got hooked up with the great team at the Heart Center again this morning. We got a clearer idea about how they knock out those nasty old clots. They put a long skinny tube in a vein in her leg and it pulsated with ultra-sound waves that beat those clots down.
They came back later with a tiny balloon that moved through the tube to clear out the vein. While it was the coolest thing to watch on the monitor, it about sent Julie through the ceiling. She had to tap her hand on the pillow to signal to the nurse to up the pain meds dosage. But she got through it well enough and the blood is pumping through her veins with gusto now.
She finished out the evening back on the oncology unit with a medication drip to keep clots at bey & everything flowing. Julie, Liz and I watched "What Not To Wear" on TV, ate M & M's and chatted with the parade of staff that pass through her room.
Julie was blessed again with cards, calls & visits from family & friends. I got her two love birds that whistle (1 out of every 10 times) when you squeeze them together.
We love you guys & value your prayers! Greg
Julie and Greg
"Yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength: they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary."
Isaiah 40:31
Isaiah 40:31
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I check in with your daughter Emily everytime I see her. She has such a sweet heart and loves you both so much.
I believe that God has you right where he wants you and never give you more than you can handle.
I pray for you both often, and love your daughter.
:) Julie my mom told me that you like to listen to Pride and Prejudice... so I added it on the playlist! :) I love you tons and I hope that you and Greg have a wonderful Valentine's Day!!
I'm excited that you are now up with "Jones," now that you have a lap top and wi fi! How cool is that! Julie, remeber that you are in charge of your lap top and you can dane to let Greg use it.
I'm glad that they figured a way to disolve those clots. Technology is good.
I hope you have great time with your new laptop! Once you go wireless you never go back.
Happy Valentines Day!
Love Jerry
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