Julie and Greg

"Yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength: they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary."
Isaiah 40:31

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Saturday update

Hello everyone!
I was so happy to visit Hayden Meadows Friday morning and to see that my Music Room is completely set up and decorated! I was planning to work on it myself and my friends, Barb and Jean, were going to help me. But my friends finished the whole thing without me. I spent most of that day sleeping. I think it was a combination of feeling worn out from the wonderful wedding weekend and chemo on Tuesday. Second cycle of chemo! Hooray!

Jake will not be subbing for me afterall. The timing just isn't going to work out for him. It looks like the recording he's been working on with Matt is finally coming together and this fall will probably be very exciting for them. He left for Nashville Friday and I miss having him around. I was bummed at first that he won't be teaching for me, but I'm so happy for him! The school district has already hired a long-term sub for me so everything is working out just fine.

I had an ultra-sound on Thursday to check the progress of dissolving those nasty blood clots in my legs. It takes a long time for them to completely dissolve and I guess the stupid things are still there. Stupid blood clots.

I'm excited that Liz and Emma and Evan are coming to visit tomorrow afternoon!

Happy Labor Day Weekend! Love, Julie


Anonymous said...

Greg and Julie, I just want you to know that Ron gave me your blog address a little over a week ago and I've been reading and keeping up with all that is going on for you. You are both strongly in my thoughts and prayers. I'm sorry you are having to deal with cancer and chemo but love hearing you "count your blessings" too. My Dad used to speak of the "blessings of cancer." Seemed strange yet true!! Thanks for letting me read and share in your lives this way. Love, Bonnie (Trussell)

Christie said...

Stupid bloodclots! They WILL go away!
We miss you here at Fernan!
Love, Christie