Julie and Greg

"Yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength: they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary."
Isaiah 40:31

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Greg and MMA and me and Skype!

Greg loves to watch MMA on television. Mixed Martial Arts is not my favorite thing--I prefer the Food Channel which is equally disgusting to Greg. But last night Greg was invited to watch some very special MMA matches with some of his friends and I was happy for him to go as long as I didn't have to. Well...as I was sitting in my favorite place on my favorite couch--I got a text from Abbie (she's still at my Mom and Dad's) and she was setting up my parent's computer with Skype. She already had put Skype on mine. Anyway, my little technical wizard niece managed to get my parent's and me connected with our very first conversation on Skype. It was so fun! And Robert and Easton were there so I got to visit with Robert for a long time. It's so amazing to be able to see someone while you're talking! Thank you, Abbie! I think I ended up having more excitement than MMA! Sorry, Greg.

In the past two weeks I haven't been to the Cancer Center once! I love the people who work there--I consider them my friends--but it has been so great to not have to structure my life around appointments. Well, this week will make up for all that wonderful time off. The only day I don't have an appointment is Tuesday. Monday is just a blood test for the heparin level, Tues. is my day off, Wed. is a cat scan, Thurs. is a doctor's appt. to talk about the cat scan, and Fri. is chemo and I'll get my little fanny pack again. Hey Mom, I'll have someplace to wear the new clothes I got in Oregon, right?

I'm sorry I sound so redundant--but thank you, once again, for your love and prayers. I would appreciate your prayers concerning Wed. cat scan. We're praying for good news--tumors shrinking, chemo working... I'm not worried about it. It's all in God's hands. He can do anything! Love, Julie


Anonymous said...

I'll pray for the CAT scan day! We're having our "Lingel Kids" family reunion on the Oregon coast in a couple of weeks, so expect some intense Julie prayers during that time! Craig is expecting another grandchild any day, so there will be some new babies at the beach -- which will be fun. Bob and I rode horses today in the nice, cool 80 degree weather, which was awesome; and our 4 month old German Shepherd puppy ran along on her first trail ride. Her name is Ginger(snap), and she did great! I hope all your news is good this week! Love, Cindy L.

Anonymous said...

Julie...I know you love knowing who is reading your blog and I have to say I read it almost every day! I will call you tomorrow and catch up on things. I pray for you and love you! Janice

Anonymous said...

Have you enjoyed using "SKYPE"? What a great technology.
I know that alot of ex-wrestlers like MMA. Be sure to let Greg know that there is "Beach Wrestling" now. It sounds like fun.
I will be praying that ALL your appointments go well.
Love, Lauri

Joy said...

Hello sweet aunt Julie!! Thank you for letting us crash at your house on our way home. We LOVE being with you guys! The game last night was hilarious and we were laughing about it on the way home. The rest of the trip went well except my cell phone fell apart. We are praying for the CAT scan. We love you!!

Susan said...

Hi Julie - we continue to pray for you and especially today! You will be in my thoughts all day!
