Julie and Greg

"Yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength: they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary."
Isaiah 40:31

Thursday, August 6, 2009

It's Thursday Already!

My friend, Teri Burch, has taught kindergarten and 1st grade for years and this coming year she is accepting the challenge of moving to 5th grade at Fernan. I know she will be a wonderful 5th grade teacher but she has so much work to do to get ready. Starting with changing to a new classroom with differet materials and a whole new curriculum to learn. She picked me up this morning and I helped her sort through boxes and move some things around in her room. I was only able to put in about an hour, but it was so fun. I got to see several other teacher friends who were working in their rooms. After about an hour, we got some coffee and came back to my house to visit. It was a great morning.

My friend, Lana, is going to bring dinner for us tonight. I'm excited to see what she will bring!

This week is sure quiet around here. I guess it seems extra quiet after being in Oregon last week and having Jake around for several days. Now he's visiting Betsy and Cam in Seattle. Quiet is good too.

I feel like I don't have much exciting news to share today. I just want you to know how exciting it is to find out who is reading this humble blog of mine. Thank you for your love and prayers. Love, Julie


Betsy said...

Mom, I'm glad you're having a nice, quiet week. Yesterday sounded like a lot of fun!
We're sure enjoying having Jake here! Of course, we wish we could spend time with you guys, too, but we'll just look forward to seeing you soon.
I love you very much!!

Steve LaLanne said...

Thank you for your continued updates. I hope you truly understand how inspiring you are even in the midst of your struggles. Your testimony is timeless because the Lord's hand is in what you share.