Julie and Greg

"Yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength: they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary."
Isaiah 40:31

Friday, August 14, 2009

Happy But Duddy Day

It was a happy day because I got to continue with the same chemo BECAUSE IT'S WORKING! And it was a duddy day because I started chemo again this morning and I spent most of the day sitting in my favorite place on my favorite couch. But we are so grateful that Dr. T let me try some chemo drugs that are kind of experimental for my kind of cancer. I'm so thankful for your prayers because I haven't experienced any of the extreme side effects that are possible with these drugs.

This evening the Russells came over and we played Cranium with Jake. It was really fun and the hightlight was Hannah spelling BAZOOKA backwards. But inspite of her valiant effort, the girls still lost to the very inspired boys.

I'm looking forward to a great weekend with my little chemo fanny pack friend. Such a delight. I am so thankful for your love and prayers. Love, Julie


Betsy said...

Experimental sounds so exciting! Glad you're not experiencing intense side effects, and that Hannah rocked the Cranium game! And as "delightful" as the little fanny pack friend is, I'm so grateful that you've got him!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Julie, I am so glad to hear the chemo is shrinking those stinkin tumors. I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers. I saw Emily last weekend at Old Navy and was wondering how you were and she informed me of your blog. Glad to hear that you are keeping you spirits up and keep looking to The Heavenly father for your strength! I hope you have a wonderful week. Take care, Dominique Shedenhelm

Emily said...

it's so exciting to read all of the comments from the people who read your blog. It's also been so amazing to get emails or run into people to tell me that their families have been praying for you every day! It is so awesome! You show others Christ's love, so so many in return love you. Thanks for being such a great Mom and a great example. I love you so much.

Love, Emily

Betsy said...

I like what Emily said! I ditto that.